© #visitrheinmain, David Vasicek

Our sustainable commitment

Leading by example

Sustainability is – as it should be – an integral part of the Frankfurt Convention Bureau’s core values. We are fully aware of our obligation to contribute to a sustainable society, a sustainable economy and a sustainable environment with everything that

Following the well known motto of “Think globally, act locally”, we have implemented a range of practices and measures that focus on present-day’s global challenges of our time, while at the same time promoting the local economy, environmental protection and myriad social projects within the Frankfurt Rhine-Main region. 

We, the Frankfurt Convention Bureau, are the leading voice of the MICE industry in Frankfurt and the Rhine-Main region. We also see ourselves as a trendsetting for our many stakeholders, whom we hope to motivate and inspire in establishing sustainable practices and measures in their own companies and organisations.

We provide many different incentives while at the same time acknowledging those representatives of our business destination who promote a sustainable event industry by listing them as “sustainable partners” in our “FRM Meeting Guide”, for example.

We are experts on site and are experienced in advising and supporting event organisers from all across the globe with a special focus on sustainable event planning. 

© #meetfrankfurt, David Vasicek

Sustainability in our day-to-day office operations

Conserving resources

We are committed to the responsible and optimal use of resources in all areas of business operations. We seek to minimise the use of important resources, to use whenever possible those that are known to be regenerable or recyclable, or – in the best case – to avoid using them altogether.

Whichever measures and practices we apply in our day-to-day operations, we always aim to use the best available and applicable as well as the most environmentally and economically viable technologies.

Sustainable procurement

When procuring products and/or services, we pay greatest possible attention to universal sustainability criteria. We focus in particular on regionally sourced products, reusability and recyclability, resource-friendly production, recognised international standards and eco-labels.

We use sustainable and environment-friendly cleaning agents and PEFC-certified paper. When producing printed material such as brochures, we make sure to commission print shops that employ climate-neutral print technology. 

Sustainable operational mobility

The team of the Frankfurt Convention Bureau travels as sustainably as possible in an effort to keep travel time, travel costs and travel emissions to an absolute minimum. When travelling to and from the office, all of our employees use either bicycles or the local public transport system. Our employer gives us the option of using the so-called “job ticket” for the local public transport network, or – alternatively – so-called “job bikes”. 

For business trips within Germany and neighbouring countries, we also apply the “train before plane” principle. When flying is the only viable option, we offset all produced emissions. 

Team development

Our working culture at the Frankfurt Convention Bureau is characterised by our fundamental values – Respect and Trust”. This culture takes into account everything from fairness and social issues to transparency and employee appreciation. We categorically reject any and all forms of discrimination, whether based on age, gender, race, nationality, religion, sexual orientation or political opinion.


Modern and flexible working conditions as well as the opportunity to further develop professionally in a targeted manner and in accordance with personal interests and career objectives are part of our everyday life.

Communication and documentation

As Frankfurt Convention Bureau we aim to communicate and document our sustainability practices and their results in a very transparent manner and to publish an annual sustainability report in future.

We are of course also committed to dealing with the future dimensions of sustainability for the long term and to continuously scrutinise our own efforts and activities with the end result of managing our social, economical and environmental footprint. In doing so, we continuously act in legal accordance and within the framework of official requirements and regulations.

Proprietary events

We want to set a good example and organise our own events at the Frankfurt Convention Bureau as sustainably as possible. To this end, we have identified seven key areas of action: Location, mobility, catering, gifts and give-aways, trade show booth construction, event programme and communication. We have defined specific measures in each of these areas that we take into account when planning events. These are continuously reviewed and, if necessary, expanded and adapted. 

All measures at a glance

© #visitrheinmain, David Vasicek

Our commitment

The blue logo of fairpflichtet with the lettering "Sustainability Code of the Event Industry".
© fairpflichtet

At the start of 2021, the Frankfurt Convention Bureau associated itself with the sustainability code of the German-language event industry, known by the name of “fairpflichtet”. This code was initiated by the European Association of Event Centres (EVVC) and the German Convention Bureau (GCB). 

As part of the scheme, participating companies and institutions commit themselves voluntarily to adhere the guidelines and specific principles of the code wherever and whenever possible. Moreover, each company and institution is able to define its own objectives and  measures while documenting results in a progress report. 

The following progress report serves to document and make transparent the various sustainability efforts and objectives of the Frankfurt Convention Bureau. 

The “fairpflichtet” progress report of the Frankfurt Convention Bureau

Team photo of Carolin Blaettner and Ramona Rutert in front of the frankfurt skyline.
© #meetfrankfurt, David Vasicek
Contact for your enquiries
Caro Blaettner und Ramona Rutert, Frankfurt Convention Bureau, Tel. +49 (0) 69/24 74 55 - 500